Sensory Processing Challenges in Autism: Understanding and Support

Mar 18, 2024

Imagine a world where everyday sounds, textures, and lights intensify beyond comfort, turning common environments into overwhelming experiences. For many individuals with autism, this is a daily reality due to sensory processing challenges. Studies indicate that the majority of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) exhibit atypical responses to sensory stimuli, affecting their interactions, behaviors, and learning processes. Sensitivity to clothing is common, and here at Purple Kitten Store, we’ve written in our blog before about how bamboo fabrics can help. In this article, we’ll discuss that sensory processing challenges can vary widely, but understanding them is a crucial step toward offering effective support.

Understanding Sensory Processing Challenges

Sensory processing refers to how we perceive and respond to sensory information from our environments and our bodies. For most people, this process is automatic and efficient, helping them to navigate the world without overwhelming the brain. However, for individuals with autism, sensory processing can behave unpredictably, leading to hypersensitivity (over-responsiveness) or hyposensitivity (under-responsiveness) to sensory inputs. A child might find the buzz of a fluorescent light distressing, the feel of their clothing too distracting, or might not notice a cold temperature, affecting their comfort and ability to focus in everyday settings.

Impact on Children and Families

The effects of sensory processing challenges extend beyond the individual to their families and caregivers. A simple family outing to a crowded supermarket can become a daunting task if a child is hypersensitive to noise, leading to stress and anxiety for the entire family. Similarly, a child’s aversion to the texture of certain clothing can complicate routines that many take for granted. Families often have to navigate these challenges daily, seeking strategies that can mitigate stress and improve the quality of life for their loved ones.

In navigating these challenges, many families discover unique solutions that cater specifically to their needs. One example is our story behind the Purple Kitten Store. As parents of a child with significant sensory sensitivities, we faced considerable difficulty finding comfortable clothing and bedding for our son. The journey began from our personal struggle, understanding first-hand the distress that common materials could cause to sensitive skin. The discovery that bamboo fabric, known for its soft, hypoallergenic qualities, was the perfect solution for our child, led to the creation of a business focused on offering sensory-friendly products.

Strategies and Support

Thankfully, some strategies and interventions can help. Sensory integration therapy, for example, is designed to help children with autism become more comfortable with sensory stimuli. Additionally, the use of sensory-friendly tools, such as noise-canceling headphones or weighted blankets, can provide immediate relief in overwhelming situations. Educational settings can play a significant role by implementing individualized support plans that accommodate sensory needs, ensuring a conducive learning environment for every child.

One of the standout materials that has proven to be incredibly beneficial for children with autism and sensory processing challenges is bamboo. At The Purple Kitten Store, we emphasize the soft, hypoallergenic nature of bamboo, making it an ideal choice for sensitive skin. Its ability to thermoregulate ensures comfort in any season, providing warmth without overheating and cooling in warmer weather. Furthermore, bamboo’s breathable and moisture-wicking properties offer a level of comfort that is hard to match, making it a recommended option for parents seeking sensory-friendly clothing and bedding solutions. When a child is comfortable in their clothing, it may not solve all of their sensory challenges, but it’s a great start.

The Role of Society in Supporting Sensory Needs

Creating a more inclusive society starts with awareness and understanding. Sensory-friendly initiatives, such as designated quiet hours in stores or sensory-aware public events, can make community spaces more accessible to those with sensory sensitivities. Education policies that embrace inclusivity and provide necessary supports in schools are equally important. Everyone can contribute to a more understanding and supportive environment, whether through advocacy, education, or simply practicing empathy in daily interactions.


Innovative solutions and personal stories, like here at the Purple Kitten Store, underscore the importance of understanding, support, and acceptance. By embracing materials like bamboo and fostering a community that listens to and learns from the experiences of individuals with autism, we make strides toward a more inclusive society.

FAQ Section

Q: What are sensory processing challenges?
A: Sensory processing challenges occur when the brain has difficulty receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses. This can lead to being overly sensitive to stimuli (hypersensitivity) or under-responsive (hyposensitivity).

Q: How can I support a child with sensory processing challenges?
A: Support can come in various forms, including sensory integration therapy, creating sensory-friendly environments, and offering patience and understanding as they navigate sensory stimuli.

Q: Are there resources for families dealing with sensory processing challenges?
A: Yes, many organizations and websites offer information, support groups, and strategies for managing sensory processing challenges. Seeking out a pediatrician or occupational therapist specializing in sensory integration can also be helpful. See the Resources section below for a few places to start!

Q: Are there materials that are better suited for children with sensory sensitivities?
A: Yes, materials like bamboo are highly recommended due to their soft, hypoallergenic nature, and their ability to regulate temperature, making them comfortable for sensitive skin. Check out our shop.


Autism Speaks: Provides a wide range of information, including tips for managing sensory issues.

The STAR Institute: Specializes in treatment, research, and education for sensory processing disorder.

Purple Kitten Store: We specialize in bamboo clothing and bedding with kid-friendly prints, designed with input from children with sensory sensitivities.